Monday, February 21, 2011

Laundry Chute

Let me just start by saying that I think my mailman reads my blog.  He has been acting different.  The day after my mail post, he dropped off a package (the BabyGap one...FINALLY!)  and didn't stay to chat...or leave other mail.  It may not sound like a big deal, but my intuition tells me otherwise.  Something is up.

This past weekend, "the big one" was sick.  I should explain that "the big one" is Lucy, and we call Clara "Tiny" (ironic, yes).   Lucy also goes by Jasmine (long story) in the form of "Baby Jasmine", "Princess Jasmine", and "Little Jasmine".  Clara is really just "Tiny" or "Chiquita"....yes, like the banana.  Collectively, they are "the Jasmines".  I don't know if that was interesting enough to share, but possible more back story on that later. 

Anyway, my laundry chute is clogged. 

Last night, after Princess Jasmine had an "accident" in my bed during a nap, I threw my giant down comforter down the chute.  Sometimes when I put a lot of stuff in at once, it takes a little work to get everything through.  During such occasions, I usually throw a package of diapers or wipes on top of it and gravity does its thing.  While the diapers and two packs of wipes pushed it down far enough that I couldn't reach it, it didn't help.  I then proceeded to try pushing things along with a broom, followed by a big bottle of bleach, laundry detergent, some stain remover spray, another set of sheets, and finally, in a moment of desperation....a fire extinguisher.  Sixteen hours later and I believe the "clog" is somewhere in the wall behind my kitchen.  As in about halfway from the upstairs and the basement making it impossible to reach from either level. 

Oof.  Da.

I prayed for a scary, giant thud in the middle of the night last night, but nothing as of yet.

Suggestions, anyone?  Getting desperate and need my laundry detergent!

...and heaven forbid I need to put a fire out!


  1. Anna, Anna, Anna..... Should have had a film crew, there was a hit comedy in the '50s called the Lucy Show. (of course you know it) Starring Lucille Ball. The antics always reminded us of the kind of stuff my mother would do. First My Mother, Now, My Daughter, you are so much like your Grandmother. Sure puts a Smile on my face =)

    "Lucy, Lucy, Lucy, you got some spailin' to do"

    - Ricky to Lucy (or Tony to Anna)

  2. supply and install laundry chutes
    I would like to say that this blog really convinced me to do it! Thanks, very good post.
