Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Say YES to the Dress

Tonight I am feeling optimistic.

Both girls are in bed sleeping, my laundry is folded and put away, my kitchen and living room are spotless (not really, but cleaner than they've been in a while) and my husband isn't home yet.  Just me, alone, with the TV off and the phone isn't ringing.  *Sigh*

Lucy has been running a very high fever for most of the week and Clara's reflux meds are yet to "kick in".  After a shit-show of a doctor's appointment at Mayo Clinic this morning and an attempt to get a urine sample from a two year old on the potty of a Trader Joe's with baby in the other arm, you would think I would have lots of griping to do, but I don't.  It seems that the end of this tunnel called January is near.  And I have survived. 

This Saturday is the rescheduled Christmas party for Tony's work.  Months ago I came across this amazing dress on and had to have it, naturally.  I thought I didn't have any event to wear it to when I realized Hormel Prom!  (That's what we like to call it, anyway)  I went to purchase it several times and they were out of stock, they'd send me an email saying it's back, I'd go to order it, out of stock again etc, etc....Weeks later I decided it "wasn't meant to be".  After Christmas I was scanning the site again and happened to come across the dress which, btw, was in stock....and half the original price.  Fairytale come true, really.

I had read many reviews about how the dress ran small so I grudgingly ordered a (insert beastly size here) and hoped for the best.  I have always had several rules about how I dress and one of them is that I do not, under any circumstances, wear things that don't cover my knees.  Even at my skinniest, I have these hideous fat knees that really should not ever be exposed.  At 5'2, this dress is short.  I cannot imagine how miniature this would look on a supermodel thin, tall girl, who would be wearing a smaller size than mine.

Anyway, black opaque tights have fixed the knee issue, now I just worry about the top.  Winter is so awkward to dress up for, as it is hard to find formal dresses appropriate for the climate with some sort of a sleeve these days....or without crushed velvet (insert gag reflex here).
My friend Monica offered some insight, but I warned her I have to layer my 12 pairs of spanx and tights and special strapless bra before I can put it on again. 


My conservative husband works for a conservative company and it sounds as though we may be sitting with his boss, so I am a bit torn.  If I can put the chocolate chips away for a few days and put that dress on with confidence on Saturday, then I will do it.
Besides, I already made a really beautiful coordinating headband ;)

Wish me luck.  I'll need it.


  1. That's a super cute dress! If you have to, maybe find a sheer, black shawl/scarf to help make the top half more "conservative without compromising the beauty of the dress. I love it!

  2. I love the dress! Now, I think I should check out that site for a dress for my sister-in-laws upcoming wedding. I will need your help with online ordering.

  3. Definitely rock that dress - it is beautiful! I second the the black scarf comment. Wear it over your shoulders during the more formal sit down part so you don't feel so exposed. I always dress up more than others at those events because I love to dress up and rarely get the chance anymore!

  4. I love this dress, Anna! How did I not know about ModCloth before just now??? It reminds me a smidge of Shabby Apple, which is also super cute. I third the idea of wearing a black wrap, by the way. You're going to look fantastic!
