Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It's that time of the month again....

.....when Tony pays the Target credit card bill and I hide in a corner.

Let's just say, Tony asked me if I thought someone stole it because he didn't think it was possible for me to spend that much at Target in one month. In my defense, I did some grocery shopping at SuperTarget in Rochester instead of the grocery store here in Austin, and having two little ones in diapers is very expensive. It doesn't help that Clara still has half a pack of size 1 diapers that she can't fit her cellulite butt into anymore so she's onto size 2's. Like mother, like daughter....

Because of the diaper crisis in our house, I have become a coupon clipper. Imagine that. It is funny how becoming a mom can change so many things about you. My eagerness to please people isn't what it used to be now that my girls and their safety have become my number one priority in life. Not only that, but I now wear things like ponytails and yesterday I even wore...dun, dun, shoes. (Not with jeans. I would never go that far.)

Emily and I took the babes for a walk and I now wear things like "workout pants" and tennis shoes on our walks. It was my daily exercise. I then came home to a delicious rataouille! I would describe it as my veggie lasagna without the pasta and not nearly as much cheese. And it was still good!

This morning Tony and I took a walk with our littles and then I spent a good chunk of time raking leaves. Look at me, I'm exercising. For lunch I grilled a bunch of veggies on the mini George Forman, and made a veggie sandwich. Delicious. I am hoping I don't get too burnt out on vegetables. I have been doing everything I can to keep vegetables as the main course of every meal instead of a sidedish. The problem is, more veggies means more grocery shopping....more shopping means there may be more trips to Rochester SuperTarget.....

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