Monday, January 31, 2011

Up late....or early, depending on how you look at it

I am sitting up with a very fussy 6-month-old and have been all night.  I did sleep from 11:30-12:00 and again from 4-5:00  It's a very ironic story considering late afternoon I declared to Tony, "I think the girls are both going to sleep all night tonight!"

It would be the first night in a while.   I wish I could still brag about my "excellent sleepers".  While it has been Lucy getting up often last week with her fever and being newly potty trained, tonight Clara has decided to break her streak.  And Lu is out cold.  Go figure.

Tonight is not the best night as my alarm is set for 6:45 to train for my new part-time job.  Surprise!  I found something that I could work around Tony's schedule and that is my new favorite coffee shop. 

I am taking this as Clara's own personal protest.


  1. oh no that sucks that clara didn't sleep at all! hopefully she gets back to sleeping soon! i can't wait to see you soon! i hope the job stuff goes well for you!

  2. Have fun at your job! Pretty soon you'll be a master expresso maker and will be showing off at your gorgeous coffee buffet at your house.
